How it Began
The St. George Children’s Museum is the realization of a long-awaited dream and has been a challenging project for several years. Many people have been unwavering in their goal to create a children’s museum in our community, and there was a proven public support for such a venue.
The Board of Directors
The SGCM Board of Director was formally organized in 2010. Prior to that time, interested citizens met sporadically to discuss possibilities, what a children’s museum should contain, and how it could be accomplished. Challenges included location, funding, exhibits and receiving a non-profit, tax-exempt status. The Board was organized to meet these challenges.
New Building
SGCM was incorporated in March 2011 and received non-profit status in September 2012. Several location sites were considered during this time and in 2013, the City of St. George extended an invitation to rent the two lower floors of the historic Dixie Academy building located at 86 South Main for a minimal annual fee.
New Exhibits
The Lied Museum in Las Vegas was moving to a new location and was willing to donate and/or sell nearly a million dollars worth of exhibits to SGCM. Significant donations were received from the public which provided sufficient funds for these exhibits and professional transportation of them to St. George as well as enough to get the Museum open.
Corporate sponsors, generous citizens, and talented artists donated money, time, and talent to create an attraction of the highest quality and one that would rival any children’s museum anywhere!